TV analysis by media, advertisers, brands and products, time slots, by campaign, channel, ad formats, etc.
Indicators: reach, frequency, ratings (GRP, TRP, CPP…), SOV, SOS, position in break, number of viewers, etc.
Online analysis by media, advertisers, campaigns, brands and products.
Complete analysis of the national online advertising market. Monitoring of the display advertising by client, media, branch and creative approach.
Audience analysis of the Internet users, focused on audience buying.
Radio monitoring of radio commercials and various radio forms aired in Sofia region. Accurate and detailed reports respecting the advertiser, product category, radio station, day and time of airing.
Cross media analysis covering TV, online, radio and print.
GARB Audience Measurement Bulgaria – full package of TV monitoring, people metric panels for measuring the TV audience and analytics software. GARB Audience Measurement Bulgaria – same services and also monitoring and ratings data for press.
Gemius – ( – online media and audience measurement system, available in Bulgaria since the beginning of 2008. Official and reliable source for up-to-date data for online media , traffic , advertising and audience , that works on 30 markets worldwide.
Media Research Hub – Media and consumer research data, available in both graphic and table format through the online subscription-based platform. It provides comparable data for over 400 Bulgarian and international media channels – TV, Online, Social, Radio, Press and OOH. That data are available for various audiences, including criteria like: age, gender, geographic location within Bulgaria, presence of kids in the household, education background, working status, personal income, etc. Media Research Hub’s data increase the understanding of specific audiences in Bulgaria, in terms of their media consumption and media preferences, shopping habits and lifestyle statements.
Banner Monitoring – Online data platform that collects real-time information about web-based advertising activities in more than 300 Bulgarian web sites. The system automatically registers who, what, where, when and how advertises on that websites. On daily basis the platform registers more than 950 banner campaigns of about 600 advertisers in more than 80 000 ad formats.
Top 100 Analytics – independent specialized digital system for advertising and products radio monitoring, covering 27 main radio stations, broadcasted in Sofia and Sofia region.